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Star Plus Coco mattress

Star Plus Coco mattress

323,00 725,00 

High hardness Star Plus Coco mattress with bonnell springs. Combining quality fabric and coconut content offers good stability and a hard surface for the body, along with hypoallergenic properties and good temperature retention. A quality mattress choice for those who want a reliable, harder sleeping surface.
Fabric Star 2A
Wadding Polyester 150gr/m2
Foam Roll No. 250 – 1 cm
Wadding Polyester Cotton 630gr/m2
Non-woven G 30
Foam No. 250 – 1.5 cm
Cocofelt with Latex 1cm
Pressed White Felt / Felt 1000gr/m2
Bonnell Springs/Bonnell Springs
Perimeter foam support / Foam support No 250
Fascia with handles and vents
and with 2 Green Tape / 2 Tapes Border with handles Border with
handles and ventilators
Pressed White Felt / Felt 1000gr/m2
Cocofelt with Latex 1cm
Foam No. 250 – 1.5 cm
Non-woven G 30
Wadding Polyester Cotton 630gr/m2
Foam Roll No. 250 – 1 cm
Wadding Polyester 150gr/m2
Fabric Star 2A

Shipping in 15-25 days

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Select options

080 x 190cm
080 x 200cm
090 x 190cm
090 x 200cm
100 x 190cm
100 x 200cm
110 x 190cm
110 x 200cm
120 x 190cm
120 x 200cm
130 x 190cm
130 x 200cm
140 x 190cm
140 x 200cm
150 x 190cm
150 x 200cm
160 x 190cm
160 x 200cm
170 x 190cm
170 x 200cm
180 x 190cm
180 x 200cm
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