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Standard mattress

Standard mattress

95,00 216,00 

GREEK Standard Mattress

Features of the Standard orthopedic mattress

oCretonne fabric
oBonnell springs 2.3mm with perimeter steel wire
oDark cotton carpet 1100gr
oFour high-durability handles for easier transport of the mattress

Shipping in 15-25 days

tbi bank

Select options

090 x 190cm
090 x 200cm
100 x 190cm
100 x 200cm
110 x 190cm
110 x 200cm
120 x 190cm
120 x 200cm
130 x 190cm
130 x 200cm
140 x 190cm
140 x 200cm
150 x 190cm
150 x 200cm
160 x 190cm
160 x 200cm
170 x 190cm
170 x 200cm
180 x 190cm
180 x 200cm
190 x 190cm
190 x 200cm
200 x 190cm
200 x 200cm
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