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Elegant Cool Max Extra Plus medium firm mattress

Elegant Cool Max Extra Plus medium firm mattress

309,00 689,00 

Elegant Cool Max Extra Plus medium firm mattress with bonnell springs. It has a combination of elegant fabric on the top and cool max on the bottom. It will ensure quality sleep.
Fabric /Fabric Elegant 4A
Wadding Polyester Cotton 630gr/m2
Non-woven G 30
Foam No. 300 – 3 cm
Pressed Felt / Felt 1000gr/m2
Bonnell Springs/Bonnell Springs
Perimeter foam support / Foam support No 250
Fascia with Chenille fabric handles and vents
color Black /Border with handles and ventilators
fabric Chenille black
Pressed Felt / Felt 1000gr/m2
Foam No. 300 – 3 cm
Non-woven G 30
Wadding cotton 350gr/m2
Fabric Cool Max 10A

Shipping in 15-25 days

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Select options

080 x 190cm
080 x 200cm
090 x 190cm
090 x 200cm
100 x 190cm
100 x 200cm
110 x 190cm
110 x 200cm
120 x 190cm
120 x 200cm
130 x 190cm
130 x 200cm
140 x 190cm
140 x 200cm
150 x 190cm
150 x 200cm
160 x 190cm
160 x 200cm
170 x 190cm
170 x 200cm
180 x 190cm
180 x 200cm
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