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Best Memory Gel Extra Plus 3D Pillowtop mattress

Best Memory Gel Extra Plus 3D Pillowtop mattress

  • SKU: Best Memory Gel Extra Plus 3D Pillowtop13
  • Category:

317,00 710,00 

Best Memory Gel Extra Plus 3D Pillowtop mattress of mild hardness, with bonnell springs and soft fabric. Quality mattress, reinforced with perimeter support, fascia with handles and vents with 3D. It is a single-sided layer that offers the firmness needed by those looking for a relatively soft feel on their body.
Fabric /Fabric Best 1A
Wadding Polyester 150gr/m2
Foam Roll No 200 – 0.5 cm
Non-woven G 30
TOP ONLY – Memory Gel 2 cm
ONLY ABOVE – Foam No 300 – 3 cm
Pressed White Felt / Felt 1000gr/m2
Bonnell Springs/Bonnell Springs
Perimeter foam support / Foam Support No 250
Fascia with handles and vents and with 3D and
2 Pillowtop ribbons / 2 Tapes 3D Border with handles
and ventilators
Pressed White Felt / Felt 1000gr/m2
Non-woven G 30
Foam Roll No 200 – 0.5 cm
Wadding Polyester 150gr/m2
Fabric /Fabric Best 1A

Shipping in 15-25 days

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Select options

080 x 190cm
080 x 200cm
090 x 190cm
090 x 200cm
100 x 190cm
100 x 200cm
110 x 190cm
110 x 200cm
120 x 190cm
120 x 200cm
130 x 190cm
130 x 200cm
140 x 190cm
140 x 200cm
150 x 190cm
150 x 200cm
160 x 190cm
160 x 200cm
170 x 190cm
170 x 200cm
180 x 190cm
180 x 200cm
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